Please note: we may be out tending to our bees (or our kiddos) - please give us up to 2 business days to return your message. Our family appreciates your patience, and we will get back to you soon!

*In the meantime, make sure to read our FAQs. We've written them with the intent of answering commonly asked questions about our honey, products and partners.


Do you have a physical retail store location?

No, not at this time. However, we supply many local stores with jars of our honey. Please check out this map to find a store near you. Be sure to call in advance to verify which sizes are available.

If you are looking for bulk honey, check out our online store for more information on how to order and where you can pick it up locally.

How do I become a partner?

Whether you're a wholesaler looking to buy in bulk or to stock your retail location with our honey jars, we would to love to partner with you. Fill out our Wholesale Partner Application.

Where do you sell honey locally?

Check out our map to find a store near you that carries our honey. Be sure to call in advance to verify which sizes are available.

Do you sell bees year-round?

No. We only sell nucs in Texas in the Spring (pickup is usually the beginning of May). Head to our online store for more information about our nucs.

Is your honey organic?

No, our honey is not organic. Truly organic honey produced in the US is very rare. Why? Because in order to be certified as organic, the surrounding farms, fields, and flowers that the bees visit must be certified as organic. Since bees can travel about five miles from their hive in search of flowers, that is a large radius to cover that must all be certified as organic.

Buyer beware! Many honey products labeled as “organic” in grocery stores are imported from other countries. Always be sure to read the labels carefully in order to verify the origin of the honey.

Does your honey expire?

If properly stored, our honey will not expire. Proper storage means that the honey was not exposed to extra, outside moisture. Exposure to outside water will cause the honey to ferment, so keep the lid on the jar and keep the honey pot away from outside sources of water, please! Apart from that, it is best to keep the honey at room temperature, but if it’s warmer than about 79 degrees F in your home, try to find a slightly cooler place to store the honey. Refrigeration is not necessary as it will actually speed up the rate at which the honey will crystallize.

Is your honey pasteurized?

No, our honey is not pasteurized. We only warm our honey just enough to be able to pour it.